Greater Cleveland Trails & Greenways Conference

2020 Conference Thursday, June 11  in Cleveland at Lago East Bank


Have you attended one of the previous Conferences? We hope it left a lasting, good impression—from the educational aspects to networking to encountering new products and services to just plain fun! We appreciate all help with promoting the Conference, from print to emails to social media to mentions at other events. We really rely on our partners for spreading the word.

Please use our full and official name: "Greater Cleveland Trails & Greenways." Otherwise, branding for the Conference is pretty simple and lenient so that all of us can be in step and be official spokespersons without having to use a graphic image.

The name simply uses Goudy Old Style font—a standard font on some PCs.

Google Fonts:
Adobe fonts:

We use the ampersand, i.e., Greater Cleveland Trails & Greenways. As spacing and aesthetics dictate, the phrase can be broken into separate lines, e.g., Greater Cleveland | Trails & Greenways | Conference with the same font but differing sizes. If one line, sometimes we dress it up with a line beneath. The “6th Biennial” is usually italicized. If you're not using the full June 11, 2020 date, it's good to use "2020" with "Conference" to clarify. (Also, as a courtesy, it's good to say "Thursday.)

We're indicate the Lago partnership for now; this may grow (we hope!) to include nods to other large donor as they become official.

EMAIL– "Postcards" for emailing (html). You may devise your own or use this. You can insert in most emails by selecting all and copying/pasting into a message. Be sure to include your standard opt-out and other boilerplate language:

Save the date in html: SAVE THE DATE E-Mail

Save-the-date postcard in pdf: Postcard .pdf

SOCIAL MEDIA – A great way to get the word out! Spread the news about our event with your Twitter and Facebook networks!
Facebook: GCTrails
and Twitter: @GC_Trails

More to come...



Champion Nomination


Thank you!